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Parking Safety Tips

If you are anything like the usual driver, you would most likely feel vulnerable when leaving or returning to your parked car in a strange or unfamiliar parking lot – especially at night. The following are some general tips to save you the bout of worries you get when...

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10 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Parking

Avoid the stresses of parking and dodge those bumps and scrapes with these 10 straightforward tips to help you park your car. Research conducted by Citroen, the French car manufacturer, tells us that 25% of drivers admit to bumping other cars while parking, while 65%...

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10 Benefits of a Smart Parking Solution

Smart Parking can be considered one of the most widely accepted and fastest developing Smart City Solutions across the world. City garages, shopping centres, universities, and airports are just a few of the functioning bodies that have just started to realize the...

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The Impact Autonomous Cars Can Have on Parking

It is predicted that fully autonomous cars may be a regular mean of transportation by 2023. Governments around the world are currently trying to understand how safe driverless cars can be, how they should be controlled, and how and where are they going to be parked....

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Car parking is perceived as such a major challenge. Almost everyone’s daily journey involves a parking event. We all find ourselves going to many places; our jobs in the city, schools and banks among other places. There are a lot of cars to go around, and ownership...

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Progress in Parking

Someone may have mentioned it in the break room last week that a study from INRIX found that drivers spend way too much time hunting for parking spots and pay for parking they don’t essentially make use of. News stories fail to mention, however, how much growth is...

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Parking Lot Accidents and Your Insurance

Accidents that occur in the parking lot are most times simple fender benders, but they occur quite regularly. There are many drivers who get confused when they end up in an accident in a parking lot, and even more are unsure of how their insurance company will take...

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Why Backing Into a Parking Space is a Safer Parking Habit

One in five accidents happen in parking lots/ garages every year and hundreds are killed. Many thousands of accidents occur there and many thousands of people are seriously injured! Studies say that generally people are more distracted while parking and take a bit...

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What Makes a Good Parking Manager?

As with any business, every parking operation needs not just a good manager, but a strong leader. This is to ensure the goals are realised in the most efficient and cost-friendly manner. But what makes a good parking manager? To answer this question, you must first...

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What the Parking Industry Should Know about Big Data

There's a buzz about big data. That is on account of data is pouring in from many sources speedier than at any other time. Also, regardless of whether it's a little parking area or a major city, administrators, and leaders are searching for approaches to exploit it....

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